The core of this project is an ATmega8.
It features:
- wind counter
- slow startup
- automatic stop
- configurable motor speed
- configurable winds
- 2 directions
This winder has an LCD display that will show
- the current motor direction
- the rotating speed of your pickup
- the total and current wind counter
- motor direction - clockwise, or anti-clockwise
- direction of the wind counter to increase - clockwise, or anti-clockwise
- motor max speed - from 1(min) to 100 (max)
- motor startup accelleration - from 1(min) to 100 (max)
- numbers of wind - from 1(min) to 99999 (max)
- auto stop mode - manual mode, or stop when all winds are done
To enter the programming mode, just long press SELECT button.
Press SELECT once to change the programming parameter, button UP and DOWN to edit the selected value, then long press SELECT again to save new values.
If you are in building mode, to make the wind start press the RUN pedal, it will start with a slow startup, to stop the winder release the RUN pedal.
Long press butto UP to change direction.
Long press butto DOWN to reset counter.
The winding machine will automatically stops when the wind counter reach the configured number, and it can goes less than zero
If you disable the autostop mode, the machine will always count wind, independently by the direction choosen.
The motor used is cheap DC motor 12V 1200rpm, the motor driver is L298N chip board.
This library was developed on Eclipse, built with avr-gcc on ATmega8 @ 8MHz.
- 01b: fix a circut file typo error in the LCD connection of previous version.
- 01: first version.
- (source and hex compiled for ATmega8 @ 8Mhz) (source and hex compiled for ATmega8 @ 8Mhz)
- read risk disclaimer
- excuse my bad english