I've a MacBook Pro A1278 that I don't use that much.
Last time I've power it on it has a strange issue with the display. It turn off after a while. And after a couple of days of usage it also start to do weird things. Like if it's distorted.
So I decide to open it and luckily I've find it just a little bit of crust on a component next the display connector.
It just takes a little bit of isopropyl alcohol and time to clean this and make this MacBook working again.
Not a big repair, but still one. So maybe if some other has this same issue, you can go and check for that component.
One of the thing I was missing is sending email from it, so I decide to setup postfix (https://www.postfix.org/) to do this.
The smtp mail service I've used for this is Google gmail. But you can use any other smtp server.
All the commands shown below has to be run from the node shell.
First you have to install some packages:
apt install -y libsasl2-modules mailutils rsyslog
Then you have to add a password file
nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
Inside the file we are going to put the relay host, a username, and a password. As for the password, you are using google gmail you have to enable 2-Step-Verification and then add an App Password, find the guide here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en We are going to use the created app password for our credential. Note that this password usually contains spaces that we must remove on the sasl password file.
The content of the file should look something like this, here you should replace with your credentials