This project here is a production line counter build on an ATmega 8 micro.
It has 4 digit seven segment display.
It can count from 1 to 9999 pieces.
(01b) Input can be delayed, so that every input recived will block the counter for an amount of time, to prevent double reading on too sensitive item sensors.
User can program it to emit an alarm when a number of items is reached.
Also a plus and minus button are present to adjust items count, if something has to be changed manually.
Holding the select button for a while make the counter reset.
To enter programming mode the select button have to be pressed while the device startup.
Setup parameters are contained in main.h, key.h and sevseg.h
This library was developed on Eclipse, built with avr-gcc on Atmega8 @ 8MHz.
- 01b: added the input delay capability
- 01: first release
- read risk disclaimer
- excuse my bad english