Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Enable copy&paste on Proxmox Windows VM

Find below a quick guide to enable copy & paste on Windows O.S. installed as VM on Proxmox.

On you Proxmox hypervisor shell you have to install the Spice VD Agent

apt install spice-vdagent

Then you have to enable it

systemctl enable spice-vdagent

systemctl start spice-vdagent

Then you have to set the Display option as Standard VGA, with clipboard VNC copy, you can do this by the Proxmox gui, or via command line using the following command:

qm set <vmid> -vga std,clipboard=vnc

Latest step is to download virtio-win on the windows device, you can find it here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Windows_VirtIO_Drivers. Download the .iso and install it in your VM Windows. Then Reboot.

You now should be able to copy and paste using the Clipboard icon you see on the noVNC console display.


  • read risk disclaimer
  • excuse my bad english